Wednesday, December 1, 2021

Vicious my attempts
To birth words from my fingertips
As if to mold clay from the ashes;
An exhale never deemed 
So tiresome

An inhale, so void

My hands, so barren 
With the promise of 

Winter sweeps my bedroom floors
With a light feather,
Giggling at my feet, 
As if to silently bring despair 
And make a home to sit,

The winds rock me as I sleep
I dream of a house built from sorrow;

Etched into the granite of a childhood,
An echo of the past stained on a coffee mug
Copper is the song of the memory
That leaches onto me like a child
To a breast;

Like amber sap on a tree;
I tarnish the thought of you
With every passing week

Downing unforgiving spirits 
To erase the album of your smile
Flickering picture through picture
They all blend into one;
Only to be repainted with the light
Of the morning sun

Time is an unforgiving healer
My hands, they tremble 
Under such weight